Yes You Can... Cash In On Chaos!


Yes You Can... Cash In On Chaos!

SP.IXGO is an energy calculation made by adding together the first and the sixth harmonic of the S&P energies. The S&P normally runs on these two energy fields. But sometimes the eigth harmonic creeps in, and the times of turn won't be as accurate. This happened this week, especially on Tuesday. I am always asking "What do I have to do to improve?". The answer in this case is, "Add in the eigth harmonic." The effect of doing this is shown in the chart on the left side. Ignore the right side.

Every high and low are there with good accuracy - note A-H. The low at E was skewed by a heliocentric Earth 270 Pluto aspect, which is not incorporated into SP.IXGO.

Further work needs to be done on SP.IXGO. But I think you can appreciate the progress I'm making toward computing Tomorrow's Markets.

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